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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, this is a text link. Morbi sagittis, sem quis lacinia faucibus, orci ipsum gravida tortor, vel interdum mi sapien ut justo. Nulla varius consequat magna, id molestie ipsum volutpat quis. Suspendisse consectetur fringilla luctus. Fusce…
Since we changed focus on the start up I cofounded ( at the Dublin Web Summit from an individual focus to fundraising for clubs, associations and charities, the funding gap for these organisations has become even more evident. Many over…
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Longford Chamber of Commerce have launched a really interesting initiative called 12/12/12 to help encourage people to shop in the town on the 12 of December 2012. They have organised for retailers in the town to offer special discounts on…
What a year since I left the PR industry to set up a start up with a web developer. Multiple test platforms, revisions of business plans, financial spreadsheets, revenue modelling, investor presentations, navigating the support maze, pivots and all the… If you are running a big event this year it would be well worth contacting the IIA ( to see if they can include it on the schedule for its Digitise the Nation roadshow. Great to see as…
Not long ago I spoke to some education course directors about the skills we would like to see from students as they enter the communications industry. One of the areas that was discussed was the inclusion of blogging and other…
I was browsing through old presentations I had done on Twitter and an article I co-authored with Andrew Lovatt from RedMoon Media for In Business and it made me realise how quickly things change and act as constant distractions. I…