Category Archive for "Events"

Will Data Kill the PR Star.

  Last week I chaired a low key session with the PRII on the topic of Data Driven Journalism that ended on a more positive note than I had expected.  Some very pragmatic pointers from the session and although its not…

So its all about the money. Top 2015 Predictions.

One of the phrases from last nights OMiG event in Galway last night that has stuck in my mind is one by Sean Earley from New Slang  “If its not worth spending money on, its not worth posting” Ever since…

Congregation logo

Insights from 57 social media experts.

I have been a bit neglectful of the blog in recent times but I promise I have been busy elsewhere online. At the end of last year year I had the pleasure of organising a social media ‘unconference’ called….

Nice job if you can get it – Matt Harding and Cybercom!

At the very well run Cybercom 10th birthday bash in the Sugar Club guest speaker and internet evangalist Matt Harding spoke about his global travels and his infamous dancing videos. After leaving his job in Australia to travel, a friend…

Did George Hook Cause the Twitter Numbers to Jump?

I was part of a panel at the last Enterprise Ireland eBusiness Masterclass moderated by Darragh Doyle and had the pleasure of listening to Roger Galligan from Cognotent (also Irish blogs and   In his presentation he discussed how the traditional media was…

How much time does social media take?

The IIA Social Media Working Group (disclosure – I am a member of this group) produced a white paper on blogging and launched it at a well attended breakfast last week.   Brendan Hughes, eCommerce manager with FBD, Michelle Daly, Paddy Power…

Social Media Emphasis on ORM at Search Marketing World 2009

Social Media engagement seemed to be the big winner at Search Marketing World this year.  The beauty and horror of these events is that you get to pick and choose the sections you can attend but invariably the ones you…