Congratulations to Pat Phelan who won the overall IIA NetVisionary award last week. This really is the awards season with Damien Mulleys Web Awards earlier in the month and the Golden Spiders still to come. The awards was one of the first…
I signed up for Fuel My Blog a good while ago and effectively forgot about it until I received an alert from them on Friday for product reviewing. The site is offering a new service where they build a profile…
Grafton Street experiences rates of pedestrian traffic up to 12,000 people an hour and is a ripe audience to help communicate and support PR campaigns, once you get the formula right. A lot of PR campaign focus solely on the media…
I presented at the recent IIA Congress but as time keeper had a great chance to see the key note addresses. PodCast and Presentations are available from their website. There were lots of great speakers but as usual there was…
Following the training of Irish Times staff a few weeks ago the fruits of their hard labour can now be seen online. Now Irish Times journalists go out with trusted pen, paper and digital recorder. Journalists recording interviews is nothing…